
Taxonomic and Ethnobotanical Notes on Some Ferns and Fern Allies of Hamirpur (H.P.), North-Western Himalaya

Author(s): Hem Chander*, Neha Choudhary and Priyanka Sharma

Keeping in view the ecological and ethnobotanical importance and in contrast to the insufficient data available on the geographical distribution, floristics and diversity of pteridophytes in Hamirpur (H.P.), the floristic investigations were initiated to describe and preserve ferns and fern allies of this Himalayan region. The present investigations have revealed the occurrence of twelve species of ferns and fern allies viz. Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Adiantum incisum Forssk., Asplenium dalhousiae Hook, Athyrium attenuatum (Wall. ex Clarke) Tagawa, Cheilanthes bicolor (Roxb.) Fraser-Jenkins, Equisetum ramosissimum Desf., Onychium contiguum Wall. exHope, Onychium plumosum Ching, Pteris cretica L., Pteris vittata L., Selaginella chrysocaulos (Hook. & Grev.) Spring and Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) John. All these texa are of ethnobotanical importance.<


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